Rachael is the main photographer and editor and she is an absolute go getter. She works full time with the State of Florida, and has TWO more small businesses (this also doesn't include all the volunteer hours at church). Rachael has an eye for photography and she has had that eye since she was younger. People always asked her to take pictures of them and that is where the idea of Avenue Photography & Design (APD) came from. When she is not working her full time 8-5 job or working on APD, she is busy being a Fitness Coach! Rachael will find any and every way to use her gifts to help others. She sets goals and reaches for them with both hands. You can find her working out with her clients, playing the drums or running the camera on Sunday's, playing basketball (former high school all-star), or playing Fortnite with her nieces and nephews. As she stated before, Rachael can NOT cook, but she will try anything and with instructions she can do minimum in the kitchen. Simply put, she is the girl you want to go to. 

Shannon is an amazing person with so many wonderful gifts. Did you know that she created this whole website by herself? That’s just what she does! The amount of research she puts into a new project is endless, and she doesn’t settle until it’s completed. Shannon is persistent and uses it to her advantage in life. When things go wrong, it’s not over, she pushes through with trust and a positive attitude. Again, she doesn’t settle.. if one degree wasn’t enough, why not go for multiple. She is highly intelligent with motive to be better. Education is a big part of her life but her creativity has blossomed over the years. Along with Avenue, she has started her own business, Embracing the Next: Waist Beads, Bracelets, T-Shirts, Sweatshirts, Phone Cases and so much more! It’s a constant movement of creativity with so many ideas ahead. Shannon is a kind hearted person that loves to love people and uses her gifts to bless others.

